As our external world changes, it’s time to focus our attention on our immediate environment. As an individual, we have no control over global events, but I think this is an excellent opportunity to have some influence over ourselves. What we think and what we do and what we focus on daily is essential.
Whether we have to pivot our business, our family, or ourselves at this time, we are making adjustments with little knowledge and no real precedent. At the same time that we can’t see our future clearly, ironically the world view has never been more unobstructed. There is less pollution; dolphins in Venice, the Himalayas insight for people that hadn’t seen them for 25 years, and less pollution in some of our major cities.
As governments make up new rules based on the information they have at hand and then have to change them as the effects of those rules undermine the economy too quickly, we are watching history unfold. It’s an interesting time to be a leader. I don’t think I would want to change places with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at this time. Making decisions that have a significant impact on the people to keep them safe, but then has an economic flow-on effect that could be just as impactful is not easy.
We are looking at the impact of shutting the doors on businesses too quickly or not quickly enough in some countries. Either way, there are a lot of casualties, whether they are casualties of health or economics, no one is getting away unscathed through our global fight. Some companies are capitalizing on this time to make decisions to downsize that were already in the works. Some businesses can see ahead and see the future may look very different for them. Others are gearing up to take advantage of other’s short-sightedness or opportunities that will come out of this. The flow-on effect is going to be felt through our economy. Some large organisations prepare for times like these, but smaller businesses are busy reinvesting in their companies by upskilling their team, bringing on new people, investing in new machinery, training and products, and don’t have the reserves that can carry these pressures.
I can’t control all of these outside forces. It’s too overwhelming even to try. I can only control my home and work environment and rebuild my confidence and remain resourceful and resilient. Here are some simple suggestions that may help you do the same.
“The only way to predict the future is to create it.”
Abraham Lincoln
1. Limit the outside world. Last week as we entered week 3 of level 4 lockdown, one of my clients was starting to feel anxious and unsettled, with too much focus on news updates. So we suggested a schedule that she creates for herself and implements. It gives her days structure and the ability to control her internal environment and her immediate external environment. Simple to do, and it made a world of difference.
2. Begin to focus beyond these next few months. Where do you see yourself in 3 months or six months? Start to create the future even though it’s uncertain. Uncertainty helps us focus and prioritise on what’s most important.
3. Set small goals that are achievable every day. Make your bed every day, floss your teeth, drink more water, do daily exercise, read a chapter of a book that inspires you. When you do this, you create the habit of achieving every day. These little yes’s consistently set your mindset up to succeed.
4. Flexibility is important. If we are too rigid, it’s too easy for us to break. Having the ability to be flexible in these changing times means we are more adaptable and resilient, and our immune system stays stronger. What have you been putting off learning, doing, or creating? Now is your time to master it. What can you learn through this time that allows your business to grow in knowledge and influence? What new connections can you make?
5. How can you take advantage of the situation? Even though you are probably wearing way too many hats at the moment, what tasks can you delegate within your family? How can you take advantage of this situation if you have a small business? Often we forget to focus on what we can do and stay stuck because we are focusing too long on what’s not working. Remember to stay 90% of your time on the solution and only 10% of your day on the problem.
6. As a lesson in commitment and consistency Capt. Tom Moore, at 99 years old about to turn 100 years old, wanted to do his ‘bit’ for the NHS and the people that had cared so much for him that are now under enormous pressure. His goal was to raise 1000 pounds. Last time I looked, he had raised 21 million pounds. My dad’s name was Tom Moore, so I love this story, but it’s also a reminder for us all, what can we achieve when we commit to something. So commit to something, make it doable but a stretch, and don’t focus on what’s beyond, as you can’t control that. You can only control your commitment and consistency.
7. There is a lot of high-level thinking and problem-solving happening. No-one wants the demise of our economy, and business leaders are working on helping business owners to have confidence and a pathway to move forward. I think it will be an interesting time and quite a favorable time to be in business in the next few years.
8. Be prepared as you can be; You have already shown adaptability to new events. We were all rattled for a day or two heading into lockdown, but then we adjust to the new normal, and as long as we know the rules, we settle in and adapt. Get prepared for the next month. Based on the information that you have at hand – how can you prepare yourself for the next phase in very this unusual time?
The focus is on you to control what you can and as mundane and routine as it may feel, keep doing your bit. The flow-on effect upskilling yourself or taking time to teach your kids to cook, or to take responsibility for one part of housework or being self-motivated to learn will have benefits to them in the long term. Spending this time with the most important people in your lives or to be connected digitally is an opportunity that has come out of the crisis. How can you use that?
As we settle into this next phase, remember to control what you can and not what you can’t. By taking charge of our immediate environment is how we do our ‘bit’ for the world and for ourselves.
What can you create today that has a flow on effect on your tomorrows?
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I work with you and alongside you as your personal life coach. For years I have been studying human behaviour as it’s vital to know what we do and also what we don’t do that stands in the way of our potential.
Being a life coach and facilitator affords me a very unique outlook in the way people live their lives. I’m extremely fortunate to have a set of skills that allows me to dissolve challenges and also the baggage or ‘bags of age’ that we carry around. These literally take up time and space in your life and when these are negative they can weigh us down and create reactions as well as signs and symptoms. Your mindset is that important.
certified facilitator of human behaviour and human potential