If you struggle to maintain a positive mindset, you are going to wish you knew this sooner. Everything you do or don’t do is a result of a thought, which is a result of a belief, which is the result of a judgement made in a moment of perception.
Most people think they must change their thoughts to get what they want. However, if you are unaware of the perception that created your thoughts, you will keep bouncing off an unconscious memory, wondering why you can’t keep a positive mindset, and change will elude you.
Our perceptions happen mostly unconsciously. This means we are unaware of how past perceptions and judgements might be influencing our future decisions. Based on what you want to achieve in your life and business.
Everything starts in your mind long before an action step is involved. Your body literally speaks your mind – and your judgements- and not the other way around. Mindset matters.
Do you have days when you can be your own worst boss and your own worst employee? Unfortunately, this is the curse of the female entrepreneur, especially if these two sides of you show up on the same day in your business.
It can look like going down a rabbit hole of social media, being interrupted (usually by yourself), being distracted, procrastinating, checking out what everyone else is doing, and letting the fear-gremlins take hold. You know the ones; What if I’m not good enough? What if this doesn’t work? What if I don’t have the money? Can I make the money I want and need? Do I really need to make this investment in my business? What if I can’t find my soulmate? What if I need to give up and get a job?
This thinking can take you out for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. If you don’t have a strategy for stopping the negative hold these thoughts have, the lack of certainty will cost you time, money, and misery as you second guess and self-doubt your way through life.
So if you are going to reinvent and revitalise your life, and let’s face it, most of us want to do that right now, let’s look at fear. Self-doubt and feeling fearful can sabotage more of our dreams than failure ever will. If you don’t have what you want, this four-letter word may be taking up too much room in your life.
There are seven main fears in life. Which one holds you back?
This thought takes you down that slippery slope of feeling like you are not very good at this life thing, and that you don’t have any control. Let’s change that because life really does happen for us. So, what do you do?
1. Every situation you find challenging is for your growth and development. Avoiding challenges will only strengthen them. Imagine if you could recognise when it’s happening and look fear in the eye instead of running. So face it and define it.
2. Fear is here to serve. You can’t move on until you have the necessary learning or what I call a blessing. So you might as well figure out what it’s doing in your life. What is it trying to tell you? Sometimes it requires something from us; to become more decisive or do something we haven’t done before. It’s a signal you have reached the edge of your comfort zone.
3. Fear shows up when there isn’t a clear strategy toward your goals. You have things too big in your mind, and your brain can’t get its head around how that something will happen. Of course fear will hold you back till you have a few more steps in place and the thing you want is not too big in your mind. So put more detail into your plan.
4. Understanding the birthplace of fear and overwhelm. You are a big thinker, so when you plan and think ahead about what you must do, you go straight to steps 345 instead of steps 1,2, and 3. This is the birthplace of fear, overwhelm, procrastination, and frustration. It’s why if you run your own business, your worst boss and your worst employee can show up in the same person simultaneously. Start small and then move on. Break things down into small steps to get the momentum going. Thinking is not the same as doing something towards your goals.
Decoding your thoughts and actions will have you thinking about how you show up intentionally and with less fear and stress, sooner than if you are left to your own devices. You don’t need to wait days, months, or years to move forward. You just need a strategy.
We are constantly thinking the same thoughts every day, so maybe it’s helpful to get someone to ensure you are not looping the same story repeatedly in your mind. Then, begin to ask quality questions so you can gain quality answers. The same thinking that created your thoughts is not the same thinking that will solve them.
Shorten the time between goals, actions, and results. Let’s dissolve what’s in the way of you having what you want, so you stand firmly in your business, stop undervaluing your services, and live the remarkable life you are here to do.
Do you want to use a business and mindset coach as part of your team in business and life? If so, book a free session here to learn how to up-level your results in life and business. Let’s get you back on track.
I work with you and alongside you as your personal life coach. For years I have been studying human behaviour as it’s vital to know what we do and also what we don’t do that stands in the way of our potential.
Being a life coach and facilitator affords me a very unique outlook in the way people live their lives. I’m extremely fortunate to have a set of skills that allows me to dissolve challenges and also the baggage or ‘bags of age’ that we carry around. These literally take up time and space in your life and when these are negative they can weigh us down and create reactions as well as signs and symptoms. Your mindset is that important.
certified facilitator of human behaviour and human potential