There is a lot of talk about mental health, anxiety, and stress going on after the last couple of years, and rightly so. People struggle with change and circumstances seemingly out of their control – not to mention the constant bombardment of bad news we’ve faced. There’s talk of mental health and wellbeing being a […]

September 20, 2022

Focusing on mental wellbeing is only beneficial if we bring balance.

Business, Coaching, Leadership, Mindset, Wellbeing

You may not think something as simple as knowing the Law of Fair Exchange can significantly impact someone’s life. But it truly does, and here’s how:  Everything in the universe is balanced and governed by laws – gravity being one of them. Can you imagine if we didn’t have gravity?  Positive and negative, night and […]

July 11, 2022

Being Out of Fair Exchange Creates Negative Feelings.

Coaching, Mindset

If you struggle to maintain a positive mindset, you are going to wish you knew this sooner. Everything you do or don’t do is a result of a thought, which is a result of a belief, which is the result of a judgement made in a moment of perception.  Most people think they must change […]

July 4, 2022

If you struggle to maintain a positive mindset, you’re going to wish you knew this sooner.

Business, Coaching, Mindset

Is it possible to leave the world behind and find yourself? Over the last few months, I’ve been MIA from my newsletter and social media. I took ‘leave the world behind’ quite literally, it seems! On a recent hike on the beautiful Milford Track that Dean and I were lucky enough to do, I discovered […]

July 1, 2022

Is it really possible to leave the world behind and find yourself?


Interesting times in our world. I just want to check in. How are you doing ? With everything going on and with how connected we are to world events, we have a real responsibility to take ourselves and our energy seriously. Do what you can and feel compelled to do, then make sure you are […]

June 23, 2020

How Are You and How Is Your Mindset?


Greetings of abundance for this new year, new decade and chance at a fresh beginning! What better an opportunity than all this newness to welcome you to our digital connection in its new form- our inaugural newsletter of 2020 and beyond, brought to you via my shiny new website  Please keep my podcast, Remarkable Women […]

February 16, 2020

Does Your Mindset Support Your Goal?



Transformation is a choice

There are many guiding lights to your potential, once you know how to interpret them. That's the Remarkable part. So, let me ask you, where do you want to be one year from now?

Take a leap towards what you want, with intent.