There is a lot of talk about mental health, anxiety, and stress going on after the last couple of years, and rightly so. People struggle with change and circumstances seemingly out of their control – not to mention the constant bombardment of bad news we’ve faced. There’s talk of mental health and wellbeing being a […]
You may not think something as simple as knowing the Law of Fair Exchange can significantly impact someone’s life. But it truly does, and here’s how: Everything in the universe is balanced and governed by laws – gravity being one of them. Can you imagine if we didn’t have gravity? Positive and negative, night and […]
As our external world changes, it’s time to focus our attention on our immediate environment. As an individual, we have no control over global events, but I think this is an excellent opportunity to have some influence over ourselves. What we think and what we do and what we focus on daily is essential. Whether we […]
I love talking about setting goals and thinking into the year ahead. I find that it’s very easy to overwhelm myself with too many choices or thinking too big. I can also try and get too clever with planning but have found the simpler the better when it comes to getting things done. 1. A […]
2020 is fast approaching. I know I’m not telling you anything new! The energy leading up to 2020 is beginning to take shape and if you have had a stop/start year that hasn’t gone as you wished or experienced a few ups and down trying to figure out what to focus on, or just want […]
I have the privilege of working with some amazing people that I am fortunate enough to call my clients. As well as revitalising their mindset, they are holding themselves accountable for their results and gaining momentum in their lives. They are literally dissolving the hold stress, fear and overwhelm has had in their lives. My […]
I believe that the three greatest forces in the world are gratitude, inspiration, and appreciation. Why they’re so important is because they align us to our higher mind. They align us to our reason for being here, and they align us to a pathway in the world that we can only access when we get above […]
I want you to be able to have a Remarkable Mindset which I know is the key to moving life in the direction that you want. Most people don’t really equate what they are not doing to a cost to their lives, relationships and overall enjoyment of life. So let’s ask the hard question; How […]
Can you love your inner critic? Do you have an internal voice that is constantly criticizing and finding fault with what you do? Do you know what it’s like to have conflict in your head – one part of you saying you’re not good enough, and the part trying to tell you you’re great; and […]